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Friday HIIT Party 🎉🤩 | MaeveMadden

Friday HIIT Party 🎉🤩

  • How spicy was this mornings workout queens? I absolutely love the Friday HIIT it's definitely my new favourite and such a fantastic start to the weekend! I always feel like we're all just having a party even though this morning was definitely a tough one! The abs 😅🔥

    The new HIIT workouts we're doing on Friday make me feel so strong and I always look back and think how far I've come since starting Maeve's workouts in April last year. I honestly had a smile on my face (almost) the whole way through this mornings workout and that's such an amazing feeling. I was chatting to himself on the phone the other night about what I can do now that I couldn't do X amount of months ago and it just hit me how much I actually love these workouts and it genuinely brought a tear to my eye! I struggled for as long as I remember forcing myself to go to the gym and thinking that running was the only way I was going to lose weight but Maeve and QDQ (and all the queens) have just been exactly what I needed and I just love this community and the workouts we do ❤️ My heart is so full and I just get so emotional thinking about these things, not only am I stronger, fitter and happier than I've ever been I've found love for myself and I think that's the biggest win of all. I spent so long battling with myself and now I feel at peace, I workout because it makes me feel good and it makes me feel strong, not because I'm punishing myself and it just beings me such happiness. 

    Anyways went a bit off topic there but I feel like the new friday HIIT makes me appreciate how far I've come. Does anyone else feel the same? I know some queens are only towards the start of their journey but I suppose this is just a reminder that progress comes in so many different forms, I may not be much lighter than I was last year but damn do I feel so much better! 

    Have a lovely Friday queens xx

  • It was an absolute belter this morning, wasn't it, Niamh? I was feeling so rubbish and had no motivation this morning, but two songs in I was on top of the world. It's amazing how far we've all come. Every time the heat gets turned up we all still get through stronger and have such a blast doing so!

    Have a lovely weekend x

  • @Niamh Byrne Aw Niamh, biggest virtual hug for you, you super-star!!!!! Absolutely agreed on the HIIT party, I think it's the grouping of many of the OG songs and you can compare how far you have progressed in terms of fitness and strength since then! Plus its a pure bop of a class, so full of contagious energy from Maeve too that you cannot help but also smile along (for me- until Titanimum opening beats started and the smile dipped slight, even though I'm far better able it still gives a bit of an "Oh no" feeling!!!)

     Cannot ever over-state how much of a saviour these classes have been, like in the very first lockdown and I was separated from my family it was the best part of every day and kept me that bit positive, and now I'm just so addicted to the classes, my progression, the constant upping of levels and being challenged, the choice of classes, it really is EVERYTHING. Yesterday was a rest day for me, and my legs were sore from sitting for so many calls for work (and I ended up having to work near 12 hours) so I decided to try Barre Ballet for the first time and it was wonderful to have it as an option, slower pace, no weights but still a challenge and a burn, and Sinead is super lovely. It was a balm for the soul, and wiped away the frustration of the day, without adding to my tiredness! 

    So thrilled for you though in how it has brought around the change in mindset for you, that really is everything that cos that will stay with you forever. If we can take positives from this time this is going to be up there front and centre for you. Be so proud of yourself lovely xxx

  • @Caron Moore Aw Caron I didn't want to get out of bed because it was so miserable but I was super glad I did! It was a fantastic workout 😍 We've come so far, I love hearing and seeing everyone's progress x


  • @Sharon Scully Yeah titanium makes me go oh no too 🤣 but it's the best feeling finishing it and feeling so strong, I can't believe I can get through the whole song now I never used to be able to get through it 🙌

    Aw Sharon I'm the same and I absolutely love that so many of us have found this as as saviour, it's been the most amazing thing to come out of a fairly crappy year lol. I absolutely love the chats on the lives and on here it makes me feel less isolated even though we all can't see each other I feel like there's so much amazing support on here! 

    You're so so kind Sharon and you're absolutely smashing the workouts too, sending you lots of love x


  • I just finished the HIIT workout there and it was everything I needed and more!! 🥰. I have had zero motivation all week and really down on myself physically but still managed to do classes but today was what I needed and completely lifted my spirits 💕 like yourselves titanium nearly had me crying 😂. I only joined in January and I'm finding myself building slowly to the intermediate steps and I actually could've cried 🙈. But absolutely LOVED the Britney abs secetion 💪. You gals are actual superstars 👸👸👸 💕💕💕

  • @Sharon Scully yes I love having the option of some of the lower impact classes. It's good to have the shorter classes too as options. 

  • @Clíodhna Weafer Smith Well done on getting the workout done Cliodhna! It's the best feeling when you start advancing to more difficult moves! Well done queen 👑 So happy to hear you're loving it. Oh I loved the little dedication to Britney and the abs session was so tough, my dad was cracking jokes here earlier trying to make me laugh just because I ended up trying so hard not to laugh because my tummy would hurt 😂🤣

  • @Niamh Byrne This morning was so spicy and I just LOVED it 🔥 It really is such a fantastic start to the weekend and I always feel like we're all having a party too!! Today's abs were just FIRE weren't they!? 🔥

    Awww Niamh that is so amazing, you have smashed your goals and I am thrilled that you are feeling fabulous both physically and mentally, that is truly wonderful and you should be so proud of yourself 💛 I love how strong we have all become after nearly a year of QDQ, it is honestly incredible to see what we can achieve when we put our minds to it. I was the exact same today just smiling to myself at how strong I have become and the fact I managed all of those mountain climbers for the first time during Titanium was just the icing on the cake 🎉 

    I just love everything about these workouts and QDQ and I couldn't image exercising any other way because I just love all of my Queens so much! 💕 xx

  • @Niamh Byrne This mornign was so spicy and I loved it, even though my body might have been absolutely dieing at points. It is so amazing to think about how far we have each come since starting. I used to basically hate Titanium, but I am loving this new version and I continue to push mysel with the pulses. I absolutely love these workouts and I always feel amazing when finishing them!!

    This morning's core was so spicy!! The plank walks with the shoulder taps is so spicy. I also never thought the last song was going to end!! It just kept going and my core was on fire!! 

    When I started working out I thought that I would need classes at the gym to keep my structured and working out, but QDQ is something that I make sure to make time for everyday, because I love it. I love how Maeve pushes us, and also cheers for us and encourages us to love our bodies!! I look forward to getting to know this community better!! 👑💕🔥🌶

  • I Love Love Love the HIIT party, always have since I joined QDC last year. Today I got the highest burn EVER for one of Maeve’s classes, which just shows how much energy we need for and during the workouts. I think I’ll do today’s workout again at some point as the abs section was pure spice too and I just love a nice cardio burn. 

  • @Niamh Byrne Congratulations on your journey so far! That's amazing how much you've progressed over the past year. Such a good feeling as you get stonger and fitter each week. I'm the same, I don't think I've ever had a relationship with my body that I am actually proud of it until now. These workouts have been more than just exercise - it's a total emotional rollercoaster too haha! 

    Today's HIIT was amazing. You start off feeling like it's easy then a couple of songs in you're a sweaty mess. Loved the change to toxic - found myself smiling through the whole song. Also didn't think Titanium could get spicier until Maeve added in the burpee! Such a fun and powerful workout. Feel 100% better after doing it and definitely up there as a favourite! xx 

  • @Niamh Byrne awww this made me so happy to read!!!! I started around same time as you hun and I feel so much happier and stronger!!!

    I am thrilled for you, you have put in some serious hard work and it has paid off!!!! You look amazing and you are one of the sweetest girls ever!!!!! Love you lots! Heres to another year of feeling fabulous queen!!! Xxx

    P.s todays class was utterly amazing!!! Nearly killed me.....

  • @Sarah H. Smith omg i agree those plank up and downs and shoulder taps are the ultimate burn.🌶️🔥

  • @Amy Johnston omg yes and Maeve is just bouncing up and down doing the burpees during Titanium. It's a great workout sequence that she has come up with. 

  • @Carmel Mulvany omg it was a killer of a class. i also felt lower in energy too but I pulled through it. At one point I had a stitch and did a round of beginner moves..I'm glad I did as I was ready to go then for the next round. Sometimes it's best to just take it easier for a few minutes rather than killing yourself and not getting good form in. 

  • @Niamh Byrne thanks for sharing this. A lovely read. Yes Maeve has brought us all so much more than just a workout website. We are all growing stronger and confident everyday. A positive platform full of inspiring people. 

  • @Georgie Dillon you're absolutely smashing it Georgie 💕 the abs definitely were fire and titanium absolutely kills me but I think I have a little soft spot for it because the feeling after completing it is just amazing 🙌🏻😍

  • @Sarah H. Smith yes I honestly thought the core session was never going to end but it was absolute fire 🔥 I absolutely love the community here everyone is always so supportive and encouraging and I wouldn't change it for the world 💕💕

  • @Steph B Woohoo amazing queen Steph 👑 you're absolutely smashing it! It was definitely a burner today, at some points I thought my legs were going to give up, think I was happy to hear YMCA but once it finished I was like aw maybe we can do it again lol 😂💪🏻👑💕

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