Thank goodness I'm not alone, my hair was that thick when I was young, it wouldn't hold a curl. Now it is a different story. Fine and thin on top. It does get to you and I'm sure I've spent a fortune on shampoos etc
We can change our bodies and mind in queen's dont quit, but unfortunately nothing can be done about our hair. Oh for hair like Maeve 👑👑🤩
@Hannah Shackles thanks mum 🤣🤣
Hi girls, I've been using the Hush&hush deeply rooted for quite a while now (maybe 6 months) and I've definitely noticed a difference. My hair feels a bit thicker and is definitely longer - before, it wouldn't grow past my shoulders and was very fine at the ends. The only drawback is they're super spenny (£70 per bottle roughly and 1 bottle is for one month) so I don't know that I'll keep using them now that my hair feels in better condition because the price tag is just ridiculous but it was a means to and end for kicking my hair growth into action.
I was advised to wash my hair more regularly as it helps ensure a clean fresh scalp for hair growth. As oils, dust, dirt can build up if you don't wash it regularly making it impossible for the hair follicle to grow. Your hair produces 6 mls of oil everyday so washing regularly does not strip away oils. It has made a huge difference. I also am using Nioxin which is great. I was also advised to stay away from 'heavy shampoos' like Kerastace as they can weigh thin hair down.
Have heard great things about 'Annutri'!
Hey ladies, I recently bought a fancy looking device that you use to massage in your shampoo in the shower and apparently it stimilates hair follicles and gets rid of buildup that might prevent growth. Not sure if it's actually doing anything for hair growth but my goodness it feels like such a nice massage like you get when the hairdresser is putting in the shampoo 😍 I've also ordered new shampoo, conditioner, leave in treatment and mask (I think it'd dream lengths?) to see if it helps keep my hair long and healthy until I can get to the hairdressers again, I'll let you know when I start using it if I notice much difference.
@Niamh Byrne was looking at getting one of those scalp massager brushes myself!
@Niamh Byrne oooh this sounds heavenly, where did u get it hun?
@Carmel Mulvany literally just got one on Amazon for about £5, was thinking it probably wouldn't arrive for ages but was pretty quick and I absolutely love the thing especially because I only wash my hair once or twice a week so it makes it a real treat!
@Niamh Byrne I love the sound of this.... must look it up!!! I love my head being massaged!!!! Xx
Hi @Sam Bowns, like you my hair is also quite fine. I have now started to take a supplement for fine hair - Visical. It was recommended by a pharmacist (I can't remember exactly who they were, it was on insta) so I started to take them - you take 2 a day typically one in the morning and one in the evening. I also have a silk pillowcase, I defintely think it has reduced the amount of hair breakage and maybe a combination of the two along with reducing my levels of stress I think they are helping.