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Beauty Bullshit | MaeveMadden

Beauty Bullshit

  • Skingredients SPF50 is great! It also has a peachy tone to it, so gives a nice glow. X 

  • @Sinead Toal I'm starting back on that now too queen, was on it few years ago and stopped but realise now its so good to have a good skincare regime!!! Anything to help the aging!!!!

  • @Lesley Cosgrave love that one!!!

  • @Carmel Mulvany oh so true! I've invested in some more of it during lockdown as not buying clothes..... by the time I ever get out again I will have queen figure and fab skin..... and grey hair and 6 eyebrows 

  • @Sinead Toal exactly queen, control the controlables darling and once we get to hair dressers and beauticians we'll have the full package.....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @Carmel Mulvany "control the controlables". ..... love it, stealing it on you. Every time I see these grey roots lol

  • @Sinead Toal channel that my dear and you'll get through it!!! 🤣🤣 I stole that from a navigational coach..... its so good!!!!! I have short hair...actually correction I had short hair, the speed its growing, im afraid the razor will come out soon and shave it all off....😅😅😂😂

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