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Summer Queens: My progress | MaeveMadden

Summer Queens: My progress

  • I had a great Monday and Tuesday but ended up working until half 9 last night which messed up my sleep and then I slept it out this morning! 

    My nutrition hasn't been good today either but I am using this post as a gentle reminder to myself to be compassionate because I have been on furlough from the full-time job since January and signed the redundancy contract today. I have been with the company for the past 7 and a half years and although it means that I can full-time focus on my dream career and progression now, it is still a mad mix of emotions today!

    I have recently decided to stop worrying about my weight and start dressing as if I like the way I look because I realised that being slim won't change how happy I am. 

    I am over 19st and managed a 1 min plank during barre on Monday evening, so I am focusing on fitness and eating for health. I am using the queens/Maeve's mantra of aiming to live my best life and see what happens!

    So I missed Combat queens this morning which had been my aim. My hips are in bits and I am a little 'dom-y' (lol) so my plan is, get an oul prosexy, hit an epsom salt bath nice and early this evening, put my feet up for the chat with Jodie and get my workout gear ready for the morning.

    I also took the plunge and ordered the signature gymshark QDQ shirt!! I would never ever have ordered it before QDQ, I wore a crop top once in life and evening then I had a maxi skirt sitting above my belly and I was 7 stone slimmer than I am now (it was not a healthy lifestyle!).

    So all of this is to say, I love QDQ, I am achieving my goals, my food and exercise don't define my worth, I am going to practise some calm relaxation and self-care this evening and then get up tomorrow and smash some more workouts! Whoop!

  • Good on you! I love your positivity...definitely strong & healthy is the way forward. 👑 

  • I'm in the exact same boat! I'm trying to focus on the small wins, because the big picture of what I have to lose is overwhelming.  I keep saying to myself,  slowly slowly wins the race and at the end iof the day my clothes are a little looser but my mental health is miles better. So I'm all about feeling good and being thankful I can move in a fun way. I jump about the living room in my sports bra and leggings lol. X

  • @Laura McLoughlin OMG I whipped off my tshirt in the middle of a workout the other day because I was too warm! I was like BOOM I AM A QUEEN HEAR ME ROAR!


  • @Sammi Trev YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE QUEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!! And don't you forget it ever!!!! Such a mixed bag of emotions, but make sure you feel the range of them, as it is genuinely a big deal. From tomorrow then- full focus ahead on the dream career! You got this

    Aaaahmazing on the plank, that is no mean feat whatsoever. Well done and be massively rightly proud of yourself. Honestly gal this process becomes a small bit easier when you view it as a lifestyle change rather than focusing on a number on a scale. That number does not define what person you are like on the inside whatsoever, so for now- strength, fitness, progression in terms of moves, focus on that big smile as you do the workouts. Change will happen as a result, but it doesn't necessarily need to be what you focus on (if that makes sense?) 

    Hope you enjoyed that prosexy and that bath- magnesium baths give me life! I'm with you on the doms this week, though am loving the change up in workouts! Delighted to hear the attitude coming through in this post, and I've no doubt you will keep smashing the goals. Always here if ya need chick xxx


  • @Sammi Trev that is exactly what I do haha!! In the moment I'm a fitness queen!! 

  • Hola Queen! 


    I am ABSOLUTELY in the same boat only I weigh a little more that that, joined Queens this week to work on my mental and physical health, aiming to live my best life and see how we go 🥰🥰 if you ever fancy a chat my insta is @aislingdoes_sw


    Your doing amazing 👸👑

  • @Sammi Trev Thank you for such a fabulous post 😊 I think so many other Queens will understand where you're coming from....I definitely do as I've had days like this too 💯

    Bravo for acknowledging that you had a tough day which meant you couldn't achieve your workout plans but for understanding that that's perfectly OK! Hope you enjoyed your evening of self care and good luck with the rest of the week....remember baby steps!! You'll get there 👍💪

  • @Sammi Trev hi Sammi 

    I just subscribed and thought I'd check out the forum . Your posts have already made me smile and feel glad I joined QDC. I loved the "boom I am a queen hear me roar" 😂 

  • Aw queens I have had a shocking week, barely able to keep myself focused but still managed two workouts so far! Going to jump on in the morning and I can't wait to not be rushing as much as I have been the past few days! 😍🥰

  • Love your post and I honestly can relate so much. Keep strong because remember, Queens don't quit 👑

  • first week done and im really happy ive signed up for this challenge.

    did 3 classes and Im on week 5 of the couch to 5k... thats going slow but at least im sticking to it.  going to  try get the consistency going for the exercise for April and then plan to tackle the food from May. :) posting this to try keep myself accountable as i am forever starting over. want to break that cycle. 

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