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New Queen 👑 | MaeveMadden

New Queen 👑

  • Hello! My name is Annie and I am 27 and living in Scotland. I have been watching and doing some of the free workouts on Instagram for a while and have decided to take the plunge. I am a nurse so looking to use the sessions to improve my physical and also mental health on my days off. 
    Excited to be part of this fabulous community! 

  • Hey Annie welcome to team Queen 😍😀 the workouts on the website are brilliant and it's much easier to keep track and motivated as they are all saved to the library 😍 you deserve as many lols as possible when working as a nurse through such through difficult times so really hope you enjoy being part of this community 💪😘

  • What a queen!! 

    I started the same way and I wasn't a 'workout person' at all!!

    It is an amazing community, I hope you see the improvements you want 

    Sending love 💕👑 




  • Hey Annie, welcome to Team Queen! Honestly you will love it. You've overcome the first hurdle by signing up and that's amazing! 
    I have been doing the insta ones since the beginning but a newbie to the site too and I already love it. I feel like being apart of the site and the community will give me that much needed motivation. 

    I hope you enjoy it!! 👏🏼💪🏼

  • @Annie Wilks welcome Queen. U've made a great decision Annie. U're going to love it. Have a fabulous journey doll. 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • Thank you queens! Completed my first workout tonight and feeling fabulous after it! ❤️👑

  • Hi Queens.   I followed Meave on insta and did a few workouts and loved it.  The thing is I've no staying power, I'm really into fitness but i have Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is very well managed but my body says no and i loose my mojo.  I also got the coil in on October and had a minor womb investigation which took my ages to get back to feeling good enough to take on proper exercise and ive a spft belly to prove it. So here I am giving up the Alcohol and taking up be becoming a 👑 that doesn't quit!!! 😅 

  • Hi Annie, I am new to the Queen's too. Been following Maeve for a while and love her energy and craic, so thought I'd take the plunge. With a 3 year old and 8 month twins it's a bit chaotic here! But I've just finished my second workout and Ioved it. Thankful they aren't on zoom..my co-ordination needs much work 😂 

    Aisling 😊

  • Welcome Queens!! You won't regret joining... its a great team here.

  • Welcome Annie ❤️ see you on the lives 👑

  • Welcome Annie! The workouts are so much fun. I can imagine that working as a nurse at the moment is really stressful so the workouts are such a good outlet, especially combat queens that's where I let out all my frustration 🤣

  • Welcome Annie! We all have so much fun here I have no doubt you will absolutely love it ❤️❤️ Being in the hospital nowadays can be so tough on your mental health, when I was on my placement it was so refreshing doing a workout because it gave me time to myself where I'd forget about all the stresses 🙌🏻 You should be super proud of yourself for joining and taking time out for yourself because it can be so hard to find sometimes ❤️❤️ Enjoy queen 👑x

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