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Gossip | MaeveMadden


  • Hi girls, i was doin wrkout ths morning which was very spicy...and then the chat afterwards but i only caught the end about the copycat copying Maeves wrkout..fill me in girls, first i hav heard about it and couldnt get replying on live chat cos my mobile wont let me...tell me the gossip..xx

  • It's Niamh Cullen who is copying her with some silly Monday Club!! It's absolutely ridiculous, her moves songs everything 🤯 

    Anyways she is absolutely no Maeve Madden!! Only queen worth following! Legs are burning after that workout..absolute Spicex

  • @Sinead Courtney yes absolutely theres only one Maeve Madden..👑

  • @Claire Martin I'm with you there. I was like who is this person!!

  • I was dying to know too! I had a look there and its such a copy 🙄

  • @Sinead Bergin and @Vicky Taylor...O my god just watched some of it too and so like Maeves🙈...there was even a video of her modelling clothes and they were very similar to Maeves style..

  • The copycat was injured after a week of copying Maeve's workouts so I reckon she wont last! 

  • OMG! Got to have a look at this! I was so curious this morning, no-one can come close to beating our Queen! 

  • Girls no one will beat our queen Maeve.  It's so unfair. Literally copied everything but no where as good and not qualified so lots of people will end up with injuries and of course she is saying she copied nothing!! 

  • @Claire Martin @Sinead Courtney @Sinead Bergin @Vicky Taylor @Mairead Galvin @Steph Bramley @Laurna Roche Queens we're all about the originals not fakes🤗 No fakes allowed in this Castle 🏰 . There will only ever be one Maeve. Queens stick together 💪💪💪. A few other instructors on Instagram are taking down the IG 'a because of it. It's so wrong. 😡😡😡👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • Absolutely agree with this. There is only one original who knows her stuff and has a wealth of experience 👑👑

  • "Imatation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness" - Agree with you all. Shocking but will never be Queens Don't Quit @Maeve Madden 💖👑💖

  • 'No one is you and that is your superpower' 

    only one team Queen 👑 

  • Haha how much would I love maeve to do a workout with Chesney Hawkes 'I am the one and only' as the music.... 😂🤣👑

  • Completely agree here, Maeve has worked so hard to even get to point of creating QDQ.

    I tell everyone she did workouts for free for 5 MONTHS to build a following. I actually thought back in August if I went back to work full time (still haven't but anywho, actually enjoying working part time now anyways) I would support her regardless and still subscribe as my way of thanking her for being such a constant for me in an unbelievably difficult year. 

    For someone to start copying, while wrong, just shows that people can see Maeve is on to something good. 

    But it's not just the music, routine, it's@Maeve Madden herself, the Craic, the chats, the endless times she replies to me on insta, it's a full package. And if I am one queen who feels like this I'm sure there are mannny others. Maeve if you do read this - I am so endlessly grateful! Thank you 

    Let the copy cats try, but we've got our queens back, just like she's had ours all along. 


  • @Amy Shelly omg Amy im gonna cry you are so kind.. You are all so kind and thank you I so appreciate the support and kindness from all the Queens at QDQ.  It is almost a year, we began at the beginning of last march, before saving the workouts was a thing and look where we are now... 

    I agree, our platform is more than just a workout, its a community of women supporting each other, being a Queen is a feeling, training hard, having the craic, and without really knowing it getting fitter stronger and becoming the best version of yourself ...

    I look forward to the future, what we have planned and I hope that I/we continue to Queen 

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