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Post chemo newbie 👑💪 | MaeveMadden

Post chemo newbie 👑💪

  • Hi queens, I really dont know where to start. I need help and I feel the best place to get it from is you beauties. I have watched this grow in awe through Instagram while I was going through treatment and wanted to be a part of this amazing and supportive community so badly but I wasnt able or fit for it. I now feel that I can start to work on the 24lb chemo weight gain as it's really getting me down. Having always been very active, the fatigue and pain was frustrating. Wanting to move my body but not being able to. Well guess what ladies....the time has come.

    So can I ask those of you for your help and motivation please. Still have fatigue, still have pain but if I start to move my body maybe it will be less sore and less fatigued.

    Cancer and chemo are tough but guess what...so am I! 💪👑

    Thank you and love to you all,

    Emma 💞

  • EMMA! You ultimate Queen 👑 While I can't imagine what you're going through and have been through I am absolutely awestruck and inspired by your strength. Getting started is the hardest part but Queen Maeve will keep you smiling and I'm so excited you feel up for the journey ❤️ My mom always says tough times don't last, tough people do 💪🏼 You have got this Queen. 

  • Aw Emma it must be so tough trying to bounce back from something like this! The strt of the road is always the bumpiest but everyone here is so lovely and if you ever need support all the queens are always so amazing on here! Welcome to Team Queen Emma! You'll love it like so many of us do, it's so great to find workouts that we all actually enjoy. Take it slow at first queen and listen to your body, it must be tough being so fatigued but Maeve and all the rest of us will be here to support you! You got this!! 💪xxx

  • Welcome! You are going to love it. The feel good factor is fantastic..... along with results , and support x

  • Welcome Emma to Team Queen!! 👑 I can't imagine what you have been through but you are so strong and inspiring! This is a wonderful network for support and exercise. I have MS which is obviously nothing like what you have been through but it means I suffer also from fatigue and pain. I find these classes really motivating and Maeve always offers alternatives for the days where I'm not feeling 100%. I personally find that my body always feels a lot better after movement. We now have a yoga class bi weekly too which really helps! I'm so glad you joined team queen and I hope it brings you some relief. You've got this and we are all here for you!!! ❤️❤️ 

  • @Emma Cuffe U r so welcome to Team Queen, the red carpet has bn rolled out for u. Like the other Queens have said we can only imagine what uve bn through & U R a complete inspiration to us all. So happy to have u on the team Emma.  Welcome to ur new journey which is also our journey now. We're all in this together. U have a lot of Queens here to help support & motivate u, we hold each other up, give each other virtual hugs 🤗 & we r there for each other when needed, anytime, any place any where. So welcome to the Queen team family. Stay safe. Enjoy Emma. #queenteam #queensdontquit #queensupport 

  • @Alicia Colabella well said Queen 👑 ❤️ 

  • @Emma Cuffe Emma, so so happy you have been with us on this journey, and so happy you are able to join in now!! I think the most important thing is to listen to your body - it'll tell you what your limits are now! That's one of the biggest things I struggled with was not comparing myself with what others may be doing, how many burpees, planks, etc. because while we are all on the same journey we all have different hills to conquer! You have come so far, and I'm sure the strength you needed to get through something as difficult as chemo will power you as you begin these workouts!! Enjoy the journey and take pride in the littlest things, for me it was being able to finally touch my toes in April and now in October I can stretch much further, just little things like that! All the best queen, will be cheering you on every step of the way!! ❤️

  • Emma YOU GOT THIS and we got you. Any little bit of movement is an achievement even just showing up. You are amazing for fighting with that horrible thing so you sure as hell can fight ANYTHING.

    Welcome to Team Queen xxx

  • Queen Emma welcome! Wow you are amazing, and welcome to Team Queen!  You are fabulous, and the fact you've signed up is half the battle!  I find focusing on getting through the routine helps, and marching it out when it gets tough!  Looking forward to queening with you x

  • Awh queens thank you all so much for all the love and support. I was genuinely tearful reading those messages. I did do a beginner class on Wednesday but I've been in agony since. Just getting up now and its 1.45pm!! But that's ok. I'll do a yoga or pilates later this evening and that will loosen me out nicely. 

    I hope everyone is feeling ok and staying safe and positive in these times. 

    Much love to you all 


  • @Victoria Alexander great advice & such beautiful words queen 👑 

  • Amazing Emma! I had thyroid cancer last year no chemo but radiation and have had weight gain and tiredness as part of no thyroid. Exercise really helps me and I always feel good after it even if I'm feeling drained and not in the zone u always get into it. Slowly but surely the weight is coming off again (it's a lot harder now.) But I'm happy and healthy and love team queen workouts. Maeves brill at showing regressions or just keep moving and join back in. I can now keep up with her mostly 

  • @bridin Quinn thank you so much for reaching out. I haven't talked with anyone that's been through cancer at all so it's almost a comfort I'll say to hear from you. Tiredness is really getting me down but I do feel great after moving. I must brave it and join a live amd see how I go. That's my aim for this week. I hope all is well with you now, keep up the great work. Much love to you xx

  • @Emma Cuffe welcome Emma to your new world of support and help.  What you have overcome and accomplished is truly outstanding!!!! I'm speechless at ur strength! To open up to us also is just so brave!!! All the queens have already said it all, start slowly, listen to ur body, do what you can and start rebuilding ur life!!!! If you have a bad day, teach out to us.....we will be there by ur side!!!!! You are amazing!!! Xx

  • Ladies I cant thank you enough for your love and support in the short few days I have been here. It has truly taken me from a place that I didnt like being in. Much love you each and every one of you 💞💞💞

  • @Emma Cuffe it really was the best distraction for me last year, I do miss lifting heavy weights but have no intention of goin back to the gym. Been doing maeves since start of lockdown and they are brill I especially love the lives on my days off or on night shifts.  Good luck with the workouts ease yourself in you'll be hooked soon x  

  • @Emma Cuffe Heya Queen, just thought I'd check in to see how u r doing. I hope u r keeping well & that ur Queen journey is going the way u want it to. Thinking of u Emma. Stay safe doll 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • @Emma Cuffe welcome Emma. I watched my mum go through Chemo and i know its tough but like you shes out the other side now and stronger than ever (in body and mind) try to do a little more each day and remember queens dont quit!! 👸👸👸 

    Maeve has that magic to keep us motivated, her posts, stories and workouts have me gripped. Even if you feel too fatigued to work out just watch for the craic and i guarantee your mood will be lifted almost instantly xxx

  • @Emma Cuffe hello! I also had to recover from chemo and radiation but you can do it! I'm 7 years out and feeling great! But my advice to you is to take it slow! Start with a few workouts a week and do the modifications if you have to. The fatigue will always be there but try to eat healthy and fuel yourself with good stuff! The mental battle is probably the hardest! But don't get down and remember to give your self grace! And I'm here if you ever need anything! Hang in there! You are strong!!! 👑❤️👑❤️👑❤️

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