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Francesca Francesca Francesca 😲😲😲😲. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 | MaeveMadden

Francesca Francesca Francesca 😲😲😲😲. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @Evie Linnane how will we do combat now 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @Carmel Mulvany omg no way this is just amazing! QDQ party in Cavan! I literally can't get over this! I can't wait to come over ❤️❤️❤️

  • OH girls you are all so amazing! I really put my everything into the class and I'm so glad you all love them so much! And yes they are super super tough but I'm here to push you and we do it together 💪🏽 I'm proud of you all and when you struggle we keep moving! Lots of love always see you next Tuesday ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @Carmel Mulvany I have no idea how you & Evie do the two classes together 👏. Fair play girls x

  • @Francesca O'Reilly god you really helped me push through today queen, I actually don't even know how you can talk! Meant to ask, what weight do you use for dead lifts. I have 2 8kgs, love using heavy for those

  • @Francesca O'Reilly imagine meeting hun, d crack we'd have! We'll have to wait till pubs r back open!!!! 😂😂xxx

  • @Debbie McCarthy 2 ridiculously hard classes back to back,  I don't know how you queens do it. We got through it honey, just about 😁😁😁

  • @Georgie Dillon definitely thought it was never going to end 😂 suspiciously not as sore now as I thought I'd be so am expecting to wake up to a waffle instead of a walk in the morning 😂😂😂😭

  • @Carmel Mulvany can't wait 😜 my nan is going to wonder how I've made so many friends over there haha 

  • @Francesca O'Reilly 🤣🤣🤣 love it queen!!! Xxx 

  • @Niamh Byrne I thought the exact same after Combat last night! I was like "why am I not sore? This is very suspicious" 😂 Oh Niamh that did make me giggle 😂😂 How were you this morning? x

  • @Georgie Dillon It's so suspicious when you're not sore lol. I was okay this morning but then I'll be there came on in Early Bird and I can't lie my legs were a bit shook 😂😂 Then absolutely everybody this morning too and Titanium in the HIIT my legs were like lead but powered through lol. How'd you get on this morning? Honestly have been trying to hold in my we for as long as possible today to avoid trying to sit on the toilet 🤣😭😂

  • @Niamh Byrne It really is right? 😂 Oh no the legs heard it and instantly felt the fear! 😂😂 Oh I was with you don't worry, I heard Titanium and I think my legs were scared ahah but I mentally told myself I could do it and I even surprised myself with a round of burpees woo 💪 Omg that's hilarious, the absolute fear of not wanting to sit down! 😂 I bet we'll both be crawling tomorrow at this rate 🤣

  • @Francesca O'Reilly ooh dear lord the fire 🔥 🔥  🔥had internet issues two mins in so typical so just completed this morning there. Can safely say legs and glutes are Strike after that class. Another absolute Amazing session as always bringing the 🌶🍑 love ur music playlist to 👌happy st Patrick day 💚💚💚 xx 

  • @Francesca O'Reilly I just finished ur Fit and Fierce on Catch up & O M G it was amazing. Loved every single minute of it. My legs & bum not so much 😅😅😅😅. I wish I cld drag myself out of bed for ur live but my body, mind & soul just will not allow it. I've set my alarm with the intention of doing it but then my mind is like "No!" then my hand reaches out & hits snooze & my body rolls over. I seriously have no control over it. 😅😂. Fingers crossed 🤞 one day I'll get up for the early bird classes. But Francesca thank u so much for another outstanding class. 💕👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

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