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Struggling | MaeveMadden


  • Hi everyone, just popping on as I've missed you all and haven't made a live for a while. I've been struggling the last 2 weeks due to personal/health issues and it's really getting me down. It's hard going from 8 workouts a week to only managing 2-3.. I feel so guilty, but I know health comes first! Gutted I've not been able to keep up with the Christmas Challenge like I had been doing. I feel like I'm back to square one. But these things happen 💕❤️  hope to catch you all on a live soon!!  

    So sorry for the late reply everyone --  I just wanted to come on and say thank you all for your kind words. You are all so encouraging and even though I can't exercise right now, I can't wait to get back into it as soon as I can. And I'm definitely really excited for January! I know queen@Maeve Madden will have some amazing new challenges in store for us to start the year off 👑 .. the last few weeks have been mega rubbish and I landed up having to have surgery yesterday. 'Woman's troubles' shall we say, which I know a lot of you can relate to!! ... But I've so enjoyed seeing all your progress pics over the last few days as the challenge comes to an end (although I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy that I don't have the before & after pics to share this time around as well) .. to all the Queens, a huge well done!! And to anyone else's who is struggling, just remember that we have a wonderful little community here and I really encourage you to 'reach out' if you need to chat! You're never alone here in Team Queen 👑 xxx




  • Hi @Helen Madden - I've been there- in the last 5 months I injured my knee, got a chest infection, injured my ankle! And my main concern every time was eeek I don't wanna miss out on doing these workouts cos they give me life! The thing is- it is better to take the small bit of downtime and to try recover properly and then when you come back you can give it your all. And ehhhhh- still doing 2-3 workouts a week is amazing! Like AMAZING! Now the thing to try and focus on- did you make massive progress in 1 or 2 weeks, or did it come over time? Likely it was over time, and the same applies with losing progress- you won't lose it in a few weeks. Do what you need to do to get through this time, try not to be hard on yourself. If you are able and need a quick pick-me-up I highly recommend the 20 min cardio workout in the library, guaranteed to be beaming after it. Take care of yourself xxx

  • Hi@Helen Madden i seen your message and I hope you are ok! Firstly remember there are people who aren't doing anything at all so you are queening it already by doing what you are doing! I have lost 7 stone and what I've learnt on my path is any movement is amazing, it's more than you were doing before! Don't be hard on yourself we all have weeks and months when we press the self destruct button however if it was me writting exactly as you did, you would tell me I'm doing amazing so give yourself credit where it is due and remember the person we spend the most time with lives right between our own ears treat her with the nice words you treat everyone else with xx

  • @Helen Madden oh Helen, I was wondering where your name and gone too.  I noticed in some of our lives recently you had been missing, but thats ok.  Remember this is a lifestyle and at times in our life we go though things, like work, stress, family, relationships, sickness.  Never think that you are not queening, the fact like @Maeve Hanna said you are still moving its just brilliant, even if you get one or two workouts in or if you need a break thats ok.  Take your time, make sure your making time foryour self and your own self care.  Please dont let it get you down and know we are all here to chat and talk if you need us 

  • @Sharon Scully@Maeve Hanna@Maeve Madden Thanks so much everyone! You are right... it is definitely a lifestyle, and a couple weeks off isn't going to hurt in the grand scheme of things. I managed to do a 20 minute today and I did feel proud of myself (and totally knackered at the same time) although so jealous that I missed legs 2.0 which is my fav. I'm going to build it up slowly this week and hopefully be back full swing next week.. I really do miss the lives and all the chats! 💕❤️ 

  • @Helen Madden Awww Queen, I really have missed u. 🤗 I was hoping all was OK with u doll. Listen there is nothing more important than ur health. Health is key. All the workouts r there for u when u r ready & have no fear Maeve will have plenty more challenges for us in the future. Stop beating urself up Helen, u r so doing more than most. U're priority is u now, u come first. Look after u & then everything else will faal into place Queen. We r all here for u anytime & everytime,. Take care Helen. 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • @Helen Madden Aw Helen I hope you are okay queen ❤️ I know exactly what it's like, make sure to take it easy queen! I'm still barely able to walk with my knee never mind even thinking about doing a workout and there probably are some other queens out there that have had to step off the venga bus for a wee while to mind themselves! I definitely beat myself up for the first few weeks of my injury and think I ended up making my knee worse by trying to pretend there was nothing wrong, like queen @Audrey Browne says your health is definitely the most important thing and you just have to try and look after yourself and everything else will work itself out ❤️ Mind yourself queen xx

  • @Helen Madden awh queen, gutted for you! We have missed you but as you have said, when health takes priority then thats what you need to focus on! I totally understand how you must feel but try stay focused and getting better and then ur fitness will follow again!!!! Once a queen, always a queen xxx sending a big hug to you 

  • @Helen Madden I'm sure I can speak for everyone by saying we're here if you need a natter! It can be so frustraiting but you're doing the right thing long term, hopefully you'll be back to full force soon! Take care of yourself! 👑

  • So sorry for the late reply everyone --  I just wanted to come on and say thank you all for your kind words. You are all so encouraging and even though I can't exercise right now, I can't wait to get back into it as soon as I can. And I'm definitely really excited for January! I know queen@Maeve Madden will have some amazing new challenges in store for us to start the year off 👑 .. the last few weeks have been mega rubbish and I landed up having to have surgery yesterday. 'Woman's troubles' shall we say, which I know a lot of you can relate to!! ... But I've so enjoyed seeing all your progress pics over the last few days as the challenge comes to an end (although I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy that I don't have the before & after pics to share this time around as well) .. to all the Queens, a huge well done!! And to anyone else's who is struggling, just remember that we have a wonderful little community here and I really encourage you to 'reach out' if you need to chat! You're never alone here in Team Queen 👑 xxx

  • @Helen Madden Queen sending u loads of hugs & kisses. Hope ur recovery from op is a speedy one. Rest up, recover & stay safe doll. Thinking of u always Queen Helen Madden 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • A guy I was dating told me I have 'heavy thighs'. And although it did upset me, if it hadn't been for my team queen mindset and not letting anyone knock my crown, I'd have totally reverted into old dangerous eating issues. So even though I haven't done any workouts in December and maybe my thighs aren't as toned as I'd like them to be, team queen is so much more than exercise, it's a mindset too. 

    I hope you're recovering well@Helen Madden and resting up over Christmas. See you in January! 

  • @Laura C I hope that guy is an "EX" because u're a Queen & Queens are held up in high esteem not to be put down doll. So happy u stood strong & loved u for u Laura. A true Queen. U've got this girl & u've got us. 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • Oh yes, this was the last in a long line of dickheadish behaviour@Audrey Browne Thank you for your kind words though! Xx

    No mistletoe for me this year but I'd rather be on my own and queening rather than with someone like that!

  • @Helen Madden The exact same thing happened me - not sure if you saw me asking for advice but I had a coeliac reaction about a month ago. I was no where near 8 workouts, I think my best was 5 a week but was maintaining the 3x a week. It takes by body between 5-10 days to fully recover and that's including brain fog, tiredness and pain - I had completely fallen off, couldn't motivate myself, no workout, no walk, no nothing (unless you count the walk from my chair to the snack drawer) to catch up so decided to lean in and wait for the bus to reach my stop again. It's been a month since my last workout (Bless me Queens for I have sinned), I asked my partner for the super reps and a new mat for Christmas and told him they would be used Christmas Eve. Like yourself I felt I would be back at square 1, I knew it wouldn't be good, I knew I wouldn't keep up so I picked a short one, decided to start with the beginner moves, that way I could be happy to progress to the intermediate cos I felt I could do it, rather than depressed to have to go back to beginner. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It helped that @Maeve Madden herself found the workout tough - but I think hers was due to a long workout the day before...mine was due to chocolates and prosecco last night...as well as a month of laziness (for ref it was the 20min HIIT from 3rd Nov I think).

    So happy to be back! 

  • @Caitriona Lyons hey girl 👋 Oh you poor thing. How are you feeling now? I started doing some of the workouts on catchup the week before Christmas and was surprised at how much I could actually do. But I did struggle with some of the moves that had been made harder since I'd stopped. My surgery had a 2 week recovery time and for about 7 weeks before that I'd slowed down a bit too, so really was thinking I'd be uselless! I suffered a missed miscarriage and had to have some surgery for that, and previously I was obviously pregnant and feeling like sh*te. I was apprehensive to say, but I feel like it's nothing to be ashamed of and people really need to talk about it more. (I felt I was the only one till loads of people have started coming out and speaking about it!) ... Anyhoo, I'm feeling much more myself now and have been trying to do some workouts over the holidays. I haven't managed very much due to being a bit too Merry over some of the days 😂 but its Christmas after all, and we've all had such a terrible year. There is absolutely no rush!! I got some new Super Reps and a new Apple Watch so am raring to go once I'm done with the holidays. Take your time, you'll get there! And don't beat yourself up for being ill. These things happen along the way, but we are strong 👑 ♥️♥️♥️

  • @Helen Madden apart from some DOMs and bloating from the excessive eating (my aunt who's also coeliac made me 3 different desserts for Christmas #blessed) I'm not doing too bad. For anyone wondering if beginner movements are effective - talk to my glutes and hamstrings 🤣.

    Oh pet I'm sorry to read about your missed miscarriage - I can't pretend to know how you're feeling, take it day by day. Don't feel you have to hide because like you said, there are many more people, men included, who have gone, are going, and will be going through what you're going through at some point. 

    Like yourself I got superreps for Christmas (I am giddy about them it's ridiculous), and I'm toying with getting the FitBit Sense. I've always been the anti-new years resolution person but this year I'm all in! Gonna attempt to do a vision board, set goals, set boundaries, all those things! 

    And to use your words with a slight amendment: Take your time, you'll get there! And don't beat yourself up. These things happen along the way, but we are strong 👑 ♥️♥️♥️

    We got this 💪💪💪

  • @Helen Madden ah Helen I've been there, the cruellest thing, I'm welling up remembering. It's tough. And your body still thinks it's pregnant for a while after, so be kind to yourself as your hormones are still up the left. Just go with what your body is telling you and cry when you need to. When you are ready, the exercise will make you feel so much better..... mind and body. But don't rush it, it's one of the toughest things anyone can have to go through 

  • @Helen Madden Take care of yourself Queen- remember there is only one you! 💗

  • @Caitriona Lyons omg, I've been doing some workouts over Christmas to try get back into it a bit before the January challenge and honestly I can hardly walk! I did a Sweaty 7s legs for the first time along with a Sweaty 7s arms (with push-ups) and jeeze my butt and chest are on fire still 3 days later 😂😂 I'm enjoying getting back to it though! ... I can highly recommend the 'active recovery' class with Sinead in the library for helping to stretch out sore muscles. I feel so much better today for it ♥️


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